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Setup Trigger Area for Uneven Surfaces (Rollers)

Alice Chang
on 11/26/18, 4:18 PM 3,228 views

Follow these steps to setup the trigger area for uneven surfaces for the first time, or when Tricolops Dimensioning Application indicates the trigger area needs to be re-calibrated.

  1. Remove all objects from the trigger area / scale.

  2. Place a thin, flat piece of board (e.g. cardboard) that is at least 1ft x 1ft over the scale / rollers.

  3. Go to Advanced -> Options, scroll down to Advanced tab, and make sure "Auto Calibrate" is unchecked.

  4. Follow these steps to setup trigger area.

  5. Remove board from trigger area.

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Asked: 11/26/18, 4:18 PM
Seen: 3228 times
Last updated: 11/26/18, 4:33 PM